
No. We display doctor photos across all doctor profiles for patient protection. Their sole purpose is to help patients make sure that they are being attended to by the same doctor they booked.

Yes. All the doctors on the Medsuci platform are 100% genuine and their degrees have been verified. More about the verification process: Doctors are asked to provide the following documents as a first step. Government issued photo ID (Passport/Aadhaar/PAN Card) Their MCI registration number Copies of their medical degrees if these are not already updated in their MCI registration In cases where online MCI directory does not exist, they will need to submit a copy of their license

Safety of your data is our top priority. We have multi-level security checks, multiple data backups, and stringent policies in place to ensure your data remains safe and secure. All data on Medsuci is secured with 256-bit encryption on HIPAA compliant servers.

Medsuci (SaaS)– A technology product for clinics and hospitals which lets them deliver an exceptional visit experience to patients with Software as a Service Medsuci – This is same product with more feature added for private or public cloud with single clinics or hospitals or Multi speciality hospitals can use. SalesPharma - Pharmacy management software with private or public cloud can used.

We offered 3 Plan such as Standard, Professional and Premium plan. This plan can purchased for your business need.

Our vision is to simplify the healthcare need by making the quality of healthcare & more accessible, affordable & convenient to the users. Medsuci connects the entire health ecosystem together patients, doctors, pharmacy, diagnostics, clinics, hospitals & other partners, to generate exceptional value & service for all,esp. We integrate different parts of the healthcare journey & put them together end-to-end on our single platform, So end user need should be fulfilled through this platform